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  • Writer's pictureEmily Bickers

East Anglian Daily Times Day 4

For this week’s day of work experience, I was given the task of creating a local piece for the Hadleigh show which is happening Saturday, 18th May 2019.

The East Anglian Daily Times wanted me to create a Question and Answer piece enabling people to read of the information and take what they needed in one news piece. I did my research first and found information from their website whilst giving background information on the show; e.g. it was the 180thshow taking place.

This was a lengthy task as there was a lot to note down, for example, the different food stalls, what events were taking place, where they were situated and when they were happening throughout the day.

Shortly after, I was emailed a plethora of press releases that needed to be condensed down in 150 words.

This was good because a few of the stories were actually about my local area, so it was good to report on something that I knew more background and context on.

Judging from the last 4 Fridays it is clear that Friday isn’t a very busy day for the EADT as there are a lot of empty desks and very little going on.


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